Dozens of asylum seekers whose boat became stranded off Indonesia’s Rote Island are being transferred to immigration authorities, after they…
Media and migration
A grassroots network of young Americans just pioneered Twitter’s first “Immigrant Parents Appreciation Day,” prompting in one day over 8,000…
They left Libya in 25 boats, and were picked up by vessels and aircraft from several European countries
The leader of France’s far right National Front party said on Sunday that a visit to Egypt to meet with…
This might come as a shock, but far fewer people are sneaking into the country across our southern border now…
Hundreds of African migrants living in a shantytown in northern Paris, women and children among them, have been told to…
WARSAW — Volodymyr Zelenyuk knew it was time to bolt when the pro-Russian separatists came to the carwash he owned…
Monica Camacho-Perez came to the United States from Mexico as a child, crossing into Arizona with her mother in the…
BANGKOK – Representatives from 17 countries and international organizations will meet in Bangkok on Friday to discuss Southeast Asia’s illegal…
As Europe grapples with the stream of people risking their lives on the Mediterranean to reach its borders, Hungarian authorities…
European Union countries are to take in 40,000 asylum seekers who flee to Italy and Greece, under proposals from the…
LONDON — Nick Evlogimenos came from Greece to Britain three years ago and now wants to see limits on both…