Greece has reached a critical point with regards to the strong wave of refugees and illegal immigrants. The local government…
Media and migration
Growth in global remittances, including those to developing countries, will slow sharply this year due to weak economic growth in…
Two million UK citizens working abroad could become illegal immigrants overnight if Britain were to leave the European Union, former…
“I don’t say it impolitely, but I say it directly: I don’t want to see you here again,” said Muriel…
Britain would “fall apart” without immigration, a former senior Conservative minister has argued.
In a move that could affect tens of thousands of detainees, a federal judge in Seattle has ordered the Department…
An affluent Pole has challenged an anti-immigration British politician to a duel.
ROME — With spring barely arrived, the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean is already approaching last year’s record levels after…
A federal appeals court panel assigned to consider whether to temporarily lift a block on President Barack Obama’s latest round…
The rise of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and its impact on European societies, shows how interconnected our world…
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy opened a Euro-Mediterranean meeting on terror in Barcelona on Monday, making veiled references to the…
Denmark’s Queen Margrethe says immigrants don’t have to like Danish food, but they must respect the country’s core values.