Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, accompanied by HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan and…
Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI delivered, on Sunday, a speech to the Nation on the occasion of the 47th…
We were deeply saddened by the death, on Friday 9 September 2022, of Mr Moulay El Mehdi IDRISSI ZINI, a…
Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI, on Saturday 20 August, delivered a speech to the Nation on the occasion of…
Rabat – In preparation for the launch of the Marhaba 2022 operation, a total of 32 ships have been mobilized…
Madrid – Miguel Angel Puyol, head of the Center for Hispanic-Moroccan Studies, highlighted on Saturday Morocco’s role in the fight…
HM King Mohammed VI on Friday sent a speech to the 6th European Union-African Union Summit, which is held in…
The Council of the Moroccan Community -living- Abroad (CCME) has recently published the book “Breaking the violent silence”, published by…
In the context of the partnership agreement signed between the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME) and the…
Rabat – Here follows a statement by the Royal Office.
Fez – Here follows a statement by the Royal Office. “HM King Mohammed VI chaired, on Tuesday, May 25, 2021…
The first spring session of social sciences organized by the faculty of Humanities of the University Al Akhawayn and the…