A delegation of american-moroccan origin was received by M.Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) Monday, December 14, 2015, at the Council, in Rabat.

The meeting organized by the working group of the CCME “Administration, users’ rights and public policy” is in particular composed of researchers, business people, civil society activists, health care members and professors . The aim of this visit, is to give effect, in Morocco this time, to the meeting of Washington DC of last october.
At this meeting, M.Abdellah Boussouf explained the CCME’s essence of existence, highlighting the work on scientific production carried out by the Council since its creation in 2007. He recalled amongst other things, that since the CCME is in place, the number of researches written on immigration increased from 5 to 200 currently. 
Mr Boussouf added that the CCME has responded to  all the current questions about immigration, particularly in Europe.
Many questions were raised by the members of the delegation. Amonst them, the political participation, student grants, the fight against Islamophobia in the United States
The delegation began a 3 day visit to Morocco was accompanied by Mr.Abdelhamid El Jamri CCME member and Nadia Serhani Council member in the United States.

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