The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) has organized Thursday, June 4, 2015, at the Council’s headquarters, a working meeting to prepare for a traveling exhibition with the aim to present the Moroccan culture at the Museum of History of Catalonia located in the city of Barcelona, ​​with the participation of a delegation of the Museum.

Speaking at the meeting, the Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, Abdellah Boussouf, presented the Council as an advisory institution, with a mission to evaluate public policies and to give advisory opinions on the issues affecting Moroccan expatriates according to an approach based on improving the integration of the Moroccan community in the host societies, highlighting the role of migration in the mutual understanding between people.

According to Mr. Boussouf, the aim of this exhibition is to present the Moroccan culture to the Catalans and tourists, as well as to communicate with the Moroccan community living in Catalonia let alone promoting Moroccan civilization, and try to change the stereotypical image of immigration.


For his part, the director of the History Museum of Catalonia, Josep Boya, said that recognition of the migrants’ culture of origin, which represents one of the pillars of Catalan society, is one of the priorities of the museum, which will develop an action plan with the aim of publicizing Catalonia and discover the multiculturalism of the world, “Therefore it is important to highlight the Moroccan community, one of the most important communities of the region and its contribution to the development of Catalonia”.

This exhibition, the first of its kind on the Moroccan culture in Catalonia will be scheduled for the period from June to October 2016 in the History Museum of Catalonia, and will become a traveling exhibition in museums of all cities in the region for a period of two years, until December 2018.

The exhibition consists of two parts, one on the civilization and the Moroccan culture, the history of Morocco, religious pluralism and aspects of Moroccan culture, while the second split will be dedicated to the Moroccan community living in Catalonia and its contribution to various aspects of daily life in Catalonia.

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