Mr. Abdellah Boussouf Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), met, on Friday November 27, 2015, at the Council in Rabat, a group of historians and researchers whose work is dedicated to highlighting the characteristics of Moroccan identity via trajectories of personalities that have marked the history of the Kingdom.

In his opening speech, Mr. Boussouf stressed that the world needs the pluralism and coexistence values that have marked History through the great personalities of the Kingdom. He espoused this initiative because the historic work on numerous influential Moroccan personalities, who marked the history of the world, emanates from the preamble of the Moroccan Constitution.

Mr. Abdellah Boussouf emphasized the importance of scientific research in fostering democracy and the rule of law. He added that in these adversities and hard times nowadays, it is quintessential to show to the youth of Morocco and of Western societies, to what extent the history of the Kingdom, through its historical personalities, is characterized by pluralism, coexistence and tolerance towards the Other.

For this reason, S.G. stated that the Council would ensure that this work of history is translated into several languages in order to enable researchers in Morocco to open up to the world thanks to languages. And, thus, to open up to foreign cultures; “”We can access the world’s cultural world through other languages as the Moroccan heritage is rich and its history only needs to be related and recounted as it must become an added value to the history of Humanity.”

For his part, the historian Abdelmajid Kaddouri, one of the authors of this work of history in Morocco stressed in a speech, on behalf of all the participants in this unprecedented work, that the participatory approach by the CCME is valuable. He added that the work is based on the choice of a number of historical personalities who have shaped the history of the world and played a key role in areas such as science, literature, religion, politics and diplomacy.


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