During the closing session of the conference program of the meeting on “Moroccan Judaism: for a shared Moroccanity”, a synthesis report and recommendations were read by Dr. Willian Déry, Former President of the Sephardic Community of Quebec and founding member of the World Assembly of Moroccan Judaism.

After thanking all the participants for this symposium, Dr. Dery said he was delighted by this event :  “the courage and the astonishing freshness of the words of this event  declined in 5 work sessions, 2 exhibitions and 2 screenings”.

He also highlighted the statement he felt by the majority of the guests at this meeting: “over the years we have too often talked on the theme of our differences rather than feed that which unites us, our Moroccanity”.

Reason why “this meeting in Marrakech has helped strengthen the links between the Moroccan Jewish leadership and the Kingdom of Morocco.”

Mr. Déry also emphasized the “attachment to our Moroccanity and the need to identify axes of convergence between Morocco, the Moroccan Jewish and Muslim diaspora”. He seized this opportunity to express the pride and love that the Jewish community of Morocco has for the Alawite dynasty, which “since the independence has seen three sovereigns protect it”.

Several proposals emerged at the end of these study days including the “creation of a Summer University bringing together Moroccan Jews and Muslims as well as Palestinians and Israelis to convince them to take inspiration from the Moroccan model” and the ” creation of virtual platforms and use of social networks to connect Moroccans at home and abroad and promote educational content “.

The meeting “Moroccan Judaism: for a shared Moroccanity” under the High patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI hosted in Marrakech more than 200 Moroccans of Jewish confession around the world.


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