The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad, having followed with great interest the meeting held on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 at the headquarters of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco under royal instruction and which was dedicated to the announcement of the reforms that will concern the Family Code based on the conclusions of the commission assigned by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, to lead the public dialogue and draft proposals for amendments relating to the reform and review of the family legislative framework, takes with great pride the high Royal patronage given to this issue which has been essential in reaching the important proposals that have been achieved.

In this regard, the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad expresses its deep gratitude for the responsiveness of these amendments to the demands of the community included in the memorandum previously submitted by the Council, in particular those related to the simplification of marriage documentation procedures and finding an alternative solution to inheritance 

Having taken into account all the reforms introduced by the Commission, the Council commends the clear commitment to include the necessary amendments in various other legislative documents in order to ensure the proper adoption of the new Family Code, and to emphasise that the content of the Family Code revision aims at addressing some of the deficiencies and deficiencies that have appeared in its judicial application, and harmonising its requirements with the evolution and dynamism of Moroccan society and the sustainable development needs, as well as with the legislative developments, including the international conventions ratified by our country.

The council also expresses its appreciation for the significance of the forthcoming major revision of the Family Code text, in accordance with the principles and references outlined in the High Royal Message to the Prime Minister in this regard, and in accordance with the rules and limits set forth by the Council, aiming to achieve a new version of the Family Code that suits today’s Morocco, capable of responding to the societal developments it is witnessing, while at the same time ensuring that its requirements enhance the status and rights of women, protect the rights of children, and preserve the dignity of men.

The Council hopes that the forthcoming legislative initiative to revise all legislative texts relating to the family will fulfil the wise royal vision and the expectations of all concerned and interested parties.

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