The “Youth Forum for the Promotion of the culture of peace”, was organized 22 November 2017, in the city of Fez, by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in partnership with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Citizenship Forum.
The meeting was attended by Mr Mustapha Al-Mourabit, delegate of the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME), in a seminar on “young people and the avoidance of violent extremism”. He offered an analyzis on the theme :”Migration, dual affiliation and extremism”.
Mr El-Mourabit questionned the discursive latitude of the phrasing « extremism, terrorism, violence, fundamentalism » and various other terms when it comes to expose the percibility of extremism and violence. He questioned the essence of the words by saying that they could in fact thwart the understanding of the problems, rather than revealing them. He then asked if « extremism and terrorism were linked to a specific culture ».
The delegate of the CCME warned against simplistic approaches which only focus on Islam and muslim youngsters when it comes to violence and extremism. He added that the statistics issued by the most distinguished international institutions show that violent and extremist acts, since 1972, are carried out by citizens of American continent and Europe.
He then underlined the experience of the CCME by expressing the relationship of migration to multiculturalism, the call of members of the community to link the culture of origin to the migrant culture.
The researcher, also noticed that until today the approaches – integration, assimiliation-have failed. Pointing out the reason why “the cultural clash persists, and is even getting more intense. And finding a solution to the dual affiliation and multiculturalism are a cause of isolation instead of bridges between the cultures. The consequence of this misconception is fear, ignorance, violence and extremism.
Dr. Mustafa Al-Morabit has studied the sociocultural approach, which focuses on « the mind and mind », an intermediate and long-term approach pursued by the CCME. He has analyzed some of his realizationsons on technical, religious, cultural and educational fields.