The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) organized, Friday, November 10, 2017 in Rabat, a workshop on the theme “Moroccans in Spain: challenges of integration and ties to identity ».

Mr. Mustapha El Mourabit, CCME initiator of the project, said during his opening speech, that the goal of the conference is to involve the university and Moroccan academics in the CCME’s debate on migration and human rights issues involving moroccans living abroad.

He said that the purpose of the meeting is to broaden CCME’s vision on the problems faced by Moroccans in the host countries. Mr Mourabit added that the choice of Spain is motivated by the news (example latest terrorist attacks) and their impact on the Moroccan community living in Spain.


During this meeting, several subjects have been discussed particularly, « the cultural and identity challenges related to the culture in Moroccan spheres in Spain, the participation of Moroccans in Spanish civil life, openmindness to Spanish society while strengthening the belonging to the national cultural and spiritual identity for the yongsters, challenges dictated by the political and economic context in Spain and the economic crisis, the terrorist attacks whose outcome was racism, Islamophobic feelings, and the legal challenges of the country…

This meeting, which will be followed by other conferences, has been organized as part of an interactive approach with Moroccan communities in the different host countries.Its goal is to create reflexion spheres on the issues the Moroccan diaspora is facing and understand the scientific means to try to resolve them.

The CCME has always been a fervent advocate of the moroccan involvement of researchers and academics on the matter of Moroccan migration.


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