The opening of the 13th edition of the World Sufi Meeting began on November 17, 2018 in Madagh (province of Berkane- eastern Morocco), under the theme “Sufi Culture and the Universal Common: For the Values of Dialogue and Compromise” .

Organized under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI by the Tariqa Qadiriya Boutchichiya and the Moultaqa Foundation, in partnership with the Euro-Mediterranean Center for the Study of Islam (CEMEIA) on the occasion of Aid Al Mawlid Annabaoui, this edition, which continues until November 20, 2018, brings together some 90 academics, researchers and intellectuals from around the world.

The theme of this edition is : “The role of Sufism in the rapprochement between peoples and in the rooting of a culture of dialogue”.

The Director of the Sufism World Meeting, Mr. Mounir Kadiri Boutchich, emphasized the importance of this event in terms of intellectual sharing, exchange of expertise and ideas on issues news and issues of the time. Adding that the theme chosen by the organizing committee will “shed light on universal human values and seek concrete solutions for the good of humanity”.

For his part, the Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, stressed the essential of the consecration of these noble values constitute an indispensable humanitarian need and that Sufism represents the best.

Adding that Sufism is a « culture carrying values of openness, coexistence, donation and acceptance of others, pointing out that this culture offers the individual a wide horizon where the universal values common to all humanity »

According to the organizers, the spiritual education and the nobility of the behavior that Sufism continues to transmit and appear as a crucial approach to preserve individuals and societies from violence, fundamentalism and ignorance, which have unfortunately distorted the image of Islam.

The Sufi culture, they believe, is the expression of this exemplarity through the path, ethics and spirituality that constitute its foundations.

Explaining the choice of the theme of this 13th Meeting, the organizers stress that the “universal common” seems to be one of the most urgent issues facing humanity today, in its fight against all forms of discrimination, violence and conflict.

Thus, by highlighting the values common to humanity, this forum aims to help prevent tensions that imprison the world and reduce the causes of confrontation by replacing the culture of discord by that of reconciliation, exchange, love and peace.

The participants at this conference are Moroccan and foreign researchers in anthropology, philosophy, Islamology, sociology, communication and international relations.

The lines of research developed by the participants include: ” Universal common and Moroccan religious experience: Foundations and model ”, ” The Moroccan religious model and the African collectivity ”, ” Universal common and culture of peace ” as well as ” The universal common and the rapprochement between civilizations and religions ”.

The interventions also relate to ” The universal common and economic principles of growth ”, ” Sufi culture, common intellectual culture ”, ” Sufi culture and the common environment ” and ” The Sufi culture and common aesthetics ”.

On the marges of the Meeting, the Moultaqa Foundation organizes the 6th edition of the solidarity village dedicated to the social and solidarity economy, the 4th meeting of the Muslim ecology that will bring together teachers, researchers, scientists and activists around a common question, the one Spirituality as a response to the current climate crisis, in addition to the 2nd edition of the Citizens’ University under the theme ” Citizens and social change: what challenges and tools for positive citizenship? ”.

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