The conference on the image of Islam in Europe on the sidelines of the 21th edition of the book fair by Messrs. Ahmed El Khamlichi and Mustapha Mourabet, experts sounds the alarm about the stigmatization of Islam that prevails in Western media.

Indeed, Mr. Mustapha Mourabet deplores the superficial media analysis of current events and believes in reference to recent attacks against Charlie Hebdo that is the corollary of various factors ranging from the socio-economic, political to artistic, etc.

Indeed, “the emotional discourse tends to take over rational thoughts and objectivity in the coverage”

A coverage that promotes the production of prejudices and relays them as a social reality that undermines coexistence between different communities

Therefore, the cartoons of Charlie Weekly reflect the French society and not the Muslim because they highlight prejudices about Islam.

In addition to condemning the double standards of the Western media, Mr.El Khamlichi believes that there’s a need for the religious culture to adapt to the current social reality and calls for an educational reform, the only way to put us on par with Western powers who monopolize the cultural political and media production

This conference was therefore a call to lay the foundations for a balanced European approach vis-à-vis Islam in all its configurations.

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