Huge efforts have been made to make a success of the 22th Conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) held from 7 to 18 November in Marrakesh.

The COP is harbored in the village Bab Ighli, which covers almost 300,000 yards and adequate to recieve 20,000 delegates from 196 countries.

A total of 55 tents, mounted in less than 3 months, constitute the village which is divided in two distinct zones : the blue area (official) and the green one  (innovations and civil society).

According to the Steering Committee of the COP22, 800 organizations, are invited to this global conference. Facilities have been provided to make the working conditions more comfortable and pleasant for participants and journalists.

A business center and a room of prayer and meditation are accessible and shuttles will be available to provide transportation. Fifty electric vehicles will be mobilized to ensure the transportation of the participating delegations, according to the organizers. 

To ensure sustainability of the COP22 / CMP12 / CMA1/ Morocco has decided to introduce a series of measures, including the distribution of recyclable bottles that can be filled with drinking water available  in different places of the site, and the transfer of information and documents on electronic media or by email. The daily program will be posted each morning on the UNFCCC website.

The budget of the COP22 required the assembling of more resources -than expected-. The Moroccan government has earmarked 300 million dirhams, an amount of 200 million dirhams has been sought from the private sector, while the rest was financed from foreign countries (the European Union, Canada, the United Nations Development Program and the International Fund for agricultural development).

Several stars and celebrities, will be in Marrakesh for this climate conference, including Leonardo DiCaprio, who has produced a documentary on climate change, Arnold Schwarzenegger, actor and former governor of the state of California, former US Vice President Al Gore and the Argentine footballer, Diego Maradona.

With Map (Translation)

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