The Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) held this past Saturday, May 2, 2015 in Copenhagen, a conference-debate on the theme “Islam in the West: reality and prospects of living together” in partnership with the Al-Fath Association based in the Danish capital.

“The prejudices and stereotypes often a source of intolerance and hatred are more harmful than geographical barriers,” said the researcher Mostapha Mourabit stressing the need “to promote the culture of living together and mutual respect in putting greater emphasis on the common values ​​of peace, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. “

Similarly, the president of the European Council of Moroccan ulemas, Tujgani Taher and Mustapha Chandid, president of the Moroccan Islamic Council in Scandinavia, recalled that Islam, a religion of tolerance and magnanimity, is fundamentally opposed to the hatred and all forms of violence which undermines peaceful coexistence between individuals and people.

“The mosque has never been a source of extremism or intolerance,” also said the representative of the Catholic Church in Copenhagen, adding that “the growing impact of the internet and social networks in particular among young people calls for a new approach to threats of jihadist ideologies.

Several political and religious figures took part in this meeting, with the participation of the CCME members: Abdallah Redouane (Italy), Mohamed Kharchich (Spain), Ahmed Ayaou (Germany), Ahmed El Hamss (Denmark) and Khemmar El Bakali (Netherlands).

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