The « Arab House » in the spanish city of Madrid hosted, Monday, February 12, 2018, the introduction by Mr Abdellah Boussouf, the secretary general of the Council of the Moroccan communty living Abroadof (CCME) and author of the book “Islam and the Universal Common: Tolerance, identity coexistence and religious cohabitation”. initially written in French and Arabic the book has recently been translated in Spanish .
Mr Boussouf’s book is a didactical work about the essence of Islam which is a project of life and not a project of death and that tolerance and living together have always characterized the muslim religion. Another fact in the book : the book focuses on the example of the “charter of Medina”, which defined the rules of coexistence between Muslims and Jews by stipulating that they belonged to the same Nation.
Mr Boussouf, added that Muslims of Europe are confronted to several challenges, particularily the question of gender, freedom of conscience, respect for religious and cultural pluralism and human rights, questions to which the book has tried to give some answers by demonstrating that Islam is fully compatible with Western values.