“Islam and the universal common: tolerance, respect and religious coexistence” (ed Diwan) is currently available in Spanish. In this didactic and historical book, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, the Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community living abroad Abroad (CCME) and author of several books related to the question of Islam, shows that Islam is a vector of living together.

Translated by Professor Mohamed Chouirdi, the book proves, Koranic verses in support, how throughout the history of Islam and since its birth, the terms “tolerance”, “respect” and “coexistence” have always played a crucial role, whether in war or peace.

The book, written in Arabic, French and Spanish, exposes the authenticity about a religion that has been mishandeld for the last two decades due to lack of knowledge, culture but also bad faith. The book deconstructs through texts and fourteen centuries of history, false perceptions a religion that rejects violence, intolerance and injustice.


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