The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) is the special guest of the 10th edition of the Regional Book fair in Dakhla, organized from 19 to 25 November 2019 by the Regional Directorate of culture, with the support of the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab Region Council.

Some 34 exhibitors including publishing houses and public institutions participates to this cultural program which includes seminars, interactive meetings and signing of new books. Activities and educational workshops for teenagers will also be organized.
The CCME stand presents writings related to migration and Moroccans living abroad : a program about women and migration in England for teenagers will be managed by Ms. Souad Talsi, CCME member in Great Britain, and Mr Youssef Haji, staff member at the CCME.

The CCME’s participation to this event aims to promote coexistence and openness to young Moroccans. Its goal is also to make the youngsters aware of the history of the kingdom through stories of Moroccan migrants and travelers.

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