The Moroccan Identity : The dynamics of Diversity
Malika Ezzahidi (Morocco), M’barek Ait Addi (Morocco), Abdelilah Dehani (Morocco), Abdelhamid Ibn El Farouk (Morocco)
Malika Ezzahidi
Born in Imouzzer – Agadir in Morocco. She is a researcher in Moroccan contemporary history at the Hassan II University in Mohammedia. She is interested in travel literature and issues in the history of the Mediterranean. Her work focuses on the study and review of the work of Mohammed Ben Othmane Al Meknassi. She has also been awarded the Ibn Battouta Prize for Geographic Literature, which is awarded by the Arab Center for Geographical Literature based in Abu Dhabi and London as part of her project “Exploring Horizons” – Manuscripts Section – for the year 2013. She also contributed to the development of the book “Arab culture between unity and pluralism between the Mashreq and the Maghreb”, Cairo, House of Science for Publishing and Distribution, 2007.
Mbarek Ait Addi
Qualified researcher at the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture in Rabat, Morocco. He is a member of the office of the Moroccan Association of Historical Knowledge and a member of the Moroccan Association for Historical Research. He has published various articles and two books in Arabic: “Tata, charm of the estate and wealth of heritage”, with Al Mahfoud Asmahari and presentation of Hassan Aourid in 2014 and “Sheikh Maa Inin the great and Saharian dimension”, and the “Moroccan Personality and Dynamics of Diversity”, coordinated by Abdelmajid Al Qadouri, in 2006.
Abdelilah Dehani
Professor of History at the « Ecole Normale Supérieure » in Rabat. He is a member of the Moroccan Association for Historical Research, member of the research group on the history of the sea and member of the research team in history, geography and didactics. He contributed in several colege textbooks and published in several academic works.
Abdelhamid Ibn El Farouk
Research lecturer at the Hassan II University of Casablanca, Director of « The Teaching, Languages and Cultures Laboratory », holder of a doctorate of State and Letters, author of several publications in the field of translation, linguistics and sociolinguistics; author of several translations, including “The Moroccan Personality in the Dynamics of Diversity”.
Cultural and cultural action and changes in the social scene in Europe
Said Aala (France), Youssef Nouiouar (France), Mohammed Khalid Rhazzali (Italy), Abdelhak El Kouani (Germany)
Said Aalla
President of the Great Mosque of Strasbourg. Graduate of the Faculty of Law, Public Law Division. He is a scholar in European law governing religions. Researcher interested in Islam and Muslims in Europe, President of the European Center for Arab and Islamic Cultures.
Youssef Nouiouer
Graduated from Dar El Hadith El Hassania in Rabat in January 2003. Holder of a master’s degree in philosophy of religion and society from the University of Bordeaux Montaigne in June 2013. Doctor in sociology at the Paul Valéry University in November 2017 on the theme of “The management of Muslim religious practices in France”. Teacher at the Ministry of National Education from 1994 to 2004. Member of the Moroccan Cultural Mission in Montpellier from 2004 to 2014. Professor of Sociology at The Paul Valéry University in Montpellier between 2015 and 2017. President of the association “Let’s build a culture of peace “, whose activities focus on issues of interreligious dialogue and living together in the south of France.
Mohammed Khalid Rhazzali
Deputy Director of the Interuniversity Center Culture, Law and Religion FIDR. He teaches “Religious plurality in urban context” and “Issues of religious and spiritual diversity in care and rehabilitation institutions” at the University of Lausanne (CH) and “Sociology of religion” at the University of Padua (I). He co-directs the Inter-University Master’s program in Religions Politics and Citizenship (Arabic / English) and directs two research units within the framework of the EU Raising Awareness and Staff Mobility programs..Among his most recent publications : « The Muslim Society of Europe » ». Appartenenze, interazioni, conflictti, Guerrini « (2017); « Muslim Communities in a Catholic Country: the case of Italy »; « Apprehension and experience of religious plurality in prisons in Switzerland and Italy » (2016), « Islam online ». « A net-nography of conversion ».
Abdelhak El Kouani
Born in 1982 in Agadir. He obtained a master’s degree at the Al Quaraouiyine University of Fez on the theme “Implications of Preexual Ijtihad in the Light of Islamic Jurisprudence and the Family Code: Questions and Examples” in 2012, and a PhD on “The Theorization and Application of Jurisprudences of Contemporary Issues of Muslims in Europe” in 2017. Abdelhak El Kouani is an Imam and preacher in several mosques in Germany. He has participated in several specialized scientific chronicles and collective works such as “The Impact of Prejective Ijtihad on the Jurisprudential System of Muslim Women” (Editions Nour), “The Founding Origins and Rules of Jurisprudence Control of Contemporary Issues of Muslims in Europe”(Nour editions).
Novel: It happened in the dark
Mustapha El Hamdaoui (Netherlands)
Born in Driouech (Moroccan Rif) in 1969. He has to his credit several novels and books among which: “The temptation of the body” (Dar Sindibad, Cairo, 2010), “A warm love under the snow” (Dar Al Chams , Cairo, 2015), “The devil and the rose” (House of Africa, Casablanca, 2015), “Gabriel García Márquez in the circle of magical realism” (Dar Al Adham, Cairo, 2015). Mustapha El Hamdaoui has also won several prizes including the International Festival of Al Fujairah monodrama for the narrative titled “The Last Trip” in 2014 in the United Arab Emirates and the Katara Prize for the Arab novel in 2016, for the novel “L ‘shadow of the princess’. This novel was published in 2017 by the Cultural Village of Katara in Doha (Qatar) in Arabic and was translated into French and English.