Apply the provisions of the Constitution relating to the integration of representatives of members of the Moroccan community abroad in advisory institutions and governance bodies and make effect of the participatory democracy were the hallmarks of His Majesty King Mohammed VI’s speech on July 30 2015.

“Furthermore, in order to increase their participation in national politics, I call for the implementation of the constitutional provisions relating to their representation in consultative institutions and participative democracy and governance bodies”.

The Sovereign also stated that the experience and know-how accumulated by the CCME are needed to make this coordination serving overseas Moroccan more efficient.

“Once again, I stress the need to develop an integrated strategy based on interaction and coordination between national institutions in charge of immigration issues, to enhance their efficiency and allow them to better serve the Moroccan community abroad. In this regard, the expertise of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad should be built on in order to establish a council that responds to the aspirations of this community. “

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