The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) starts this Friday, February 9, 2018 with a meeting around the book “Moroccans: migrants and travelers.” A unique book on the heart of what being  Moroccan means : traveling is embedded in his DNA.

Traveling, choosing to settle in countries where he has always managed to live and coexist with his fellow-citizens on the other side of the Mediterranean. The book « Moroccans:  Migrants and Travelers “actually reminds us that the Moroccan did not discover the word « moving » and the desire to settle elsewhere with the end of the Second World War. A book which also has become a didactic historical game for Moroccan schoolchildren or children of Moroccan origin born elsewhere, to come to terms with their history.


This first roundtable will bring together Ms. Laïla Meziane, a professor of modern history at Hassan II University in Casablaca and a member of the Executive Committee of Mediterranean Historians of the Atlantic Ports, M.Jilali El Adnani, a scholar in history and religious anthropology of the Maghreb and West Africa , M.Otmane Mansouri Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Faculty of Humanities and Letters of Rabat, specialist in economic history, as well as the writer and poet Fouad Guessous author of many books including the translation into French of more than 200 quacidas melhoun worldwide known.

A second round table will for its part consider the theme “Moroccans of the world in plural societies: Challenges and Opportunities” and bring together several participants.

To conclude this first day Ms. Nezha El Ouafi, Secretary of State to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development in charge of Sustainable Development will deal with the theme “Cross-border citizenship of Moroccan emigrants: sociological study.”

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