This Saturday, February 10 will have a perfum of Books written by Moroccans authors in foreign languages . Novels, essays, poetry, research, written in the languages of the host coutries, will be the heart of the matter of today. Thre novelists will share with the visitors fiction but also works comparable to the British filmmaker Ken Loach where real and fiction get married.
“Young Moroccans in Italy” by Hamid Bichri, CCME member in Italy, and young Siham Dadessi, both very involved in social life in Italy, will present a book containing several questions intrinsically linked to youth of Moroccan origin living in Italy.
Taha Adnan member of the Union of Writers of Morocco and the Collective of Poets Brussels, best-selling author in Belgium ; Abdelhamid Bayouki author of numerous research and publications in Arabic and Spanish to the poet, novelist and translator Mohamed Miloud Gharrafi who writes in Arabic and French and Houssein Darraz native of Nador lives in Belgium and author of “Whispers in the curves of the soul ” whose work includes thirty poems that speak of the author’s vision on certain aspects of life in immigration and exile …
All these witnesses of the daily life, have stories to tell us about our fellow citizens living abroad and by extension about us, who we are, through fiction, poetry and a different way of witnissing migration…