What place do different religions have for women? What provisions are there in Moroccan law to guarantee women’s rights?
Several questions guided this conference made from different of women of different fields who gathered at the pavilion at the CCME for the Book Fair to present their collective work entitled “Women and religion” which charts the experiences of several women and highlight their ideas compared to this duality.
A meeting moderated by Fedwa misk, journalist and included interventions by Hakima Lebbar psychoanalyst Michèle Zirari specialist on Moroccan criminal law, Sabah Chraïbi, Doctor of Law and Political Science and Soumaya Naaman Guessous sociologist.
Hakima Lebbar opened the debate by presenting this work, conceived and directed by herself, and reveals that it has been on the works since the 2011 constitution, the idea of creating a collective made of women only is rooted in the fact that for a long time, women were excluded from the religious field, this book therefore suggests, and questions about the condition of multicultural women in Morocco
After all, the goal is to stop and focus on two priorities ie; discrimination of women in religion and coexistence in the city.
For her part, Michèle Zirari says that under the three religions of the book, the situation of women is quite identical, for her, the relationship between law and religion is the most sensible “We will fall on problems of discrimination “
She reviewed the various rights that are subject to Moroccan men and women and highlighted their salient paradoxes, particularly on the issue of religious freedom, guaranteed in theory by the Moroccan Constitution without being really practiced “the heterogeneity of sources of Moroccan law does not explain this situation “
Meanwhile, Soumaya Naaman Guessous tackled the issue of unequal inheritance of Moroccan women, she believes that some matters in Islam were contextualized and that such a thing should be done in relation to this matter to protect women who find themselves, overnight, deprived of their rights. She illustrated her intervention with several examples that put light on this issue.
Sabah Chraïbi continues in the same vein and says that “is stripped of a right that who does not know of it,” she points out the patriarchal culture and the fact that many religious interpretations are biased
She also states that this is a crisis of intellectuals who have failed their mission and calls for clearing with more courage, issues relating to religion, demystify them and end the masculine interpretation of Islam
She also claims gender equality to ensure social coexistence and prosperity
Note that throughout this meeting, art works on the theme of coexistence and religious multiculturalism were showcased to complement the interventions of the panel.