After Myriam Bourhil, Moroccan student resident in France, who scored 21/20 in the baccalaureate exams 2014, another young Moroccan, living in Germany, distinguished herself by receiving a score of 20/20 in this year’s baccalaureate exams.

Her name is Myriam Radek, she is 17 years old and lives in Düsseldorf. She’s the daughter of a German father and Moroccan mother; she recently passed the Abitur with a perfect score of 20/20. In Germany, students sit an exam (Abitur) sanctioning 12 or 13 years of primary and secondary education with compulsory subjects and others optional.

Myriam Radek had the German language, mathematics and economics at the written portion of the exam and took physical sciences for the oral exam.

Keen on reading and sports, she is a practicing Muslim as explained proudly by her mother who expressed her pride in all young Moroccans.

Myriam is currently preparing to join a faculty of German medicine, which should not be a problem for her. Congratulations to the young prodigy.

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