Some 96,273 Moroccans have benefited from new residence permits in the European Union (EU) in 2014 says a recent EU report published by Eurostat on permit residences for the EU.

Family reasons are the main reason of migration  for Moroccans (66.8%), following education (10.8%) and employment (15.7%). Morocco occupies the  5th position behind Ukraine, the US, China and India of the main beneficiaries of a new country of residence within the EU in 2014 
According to the same source, the Moroccans are the first beneficiaries of new residence permits in four countries: Belgium with 5565 Moroccan beneficiaries (12.7%) Spain with 36,362 (19.3%), France with 25 727 (11 , 8%) and Italy with 19,759  (9.7%).
A residence permit means any valid and legal authorization  for at least three months issued by the authorities of a Member State allowing a non-EU citizen to stay legally on its territory.

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