During a meeting at the the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad (CCME), Mr. Abdellah Boussouf and Mr.Jamal Mikou of the Executive Board of the Tanger Med Foundation, took the decision to exhibit from 8 July to 1 September 2017 “On te pathway of Leila Alaoui ” in the harbor of Tanger Med.

Mr. Boussouf said during the meeting that he welcomed the interest of an important Moroccan public institution as Tanger Med for its willingness to make cultural efforts during the return of the moroccans living abroad .

About the late Leila alaoui exhibition, Mr Boussouf said : ” the works of Leila in the streets of Morocco and at the harbor of Tangier are a way to make the terrorists know, that we are not afraid of terrorism and that like Leila we choose the paths of living together in dignity.

Furthermore, the CCME will also exhibit the the book and the game “Moroccans Migrants and Travelers”.


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