The photography exhibition ” Morocco, in an instant”  will take place in Codoba from 7th June to 23 september 2019. Organized by Casa Arabe and the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID) in Madrid, from June 7 to September 23, 2018 , the very successful exhibition had made a long stop in Sevilla place from November 28, 2018 to January 21, 2019.

The CCME’s partnership to this photography exhibition is to promote the artistic creation of Moroccans around the world and reinforce the presence of the Moroccan culture and migration youth in international events. 

Young Moroccan photographers  living in different countries present their vision on social issues by reproducing  the dynamism of the Moroccan society. A cultural meeting that will  bring into light the cultural diversity of the Moroccans living abroad and create a bond for dialogue and common values.

The exhibition “Morocco, in an instant » is part of the 20th edition of the annual international festival of photography and visual arts “Photo España”. The event brings together artists from all over the world.

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