The Laboratory for Research in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (largess) of the Polydisciplinary Faculty of El Jadida (FPJ) organized the March 25 to 26, 2015 a national Symposium on “South-North-South migration »

“This conference was intended as a brainstorming meeting around the approaches to human mobility on an international scale and appreciation following the new trends in the economic and financial environment today,” said Abdelaziz Chafik, Dean of FPJ.

Indeed “It proposes to study the theoretical and practical foundations of human mobility in the different approaches within various schools of thought; to reflect on the history and evolution of human mobility on an international scale and its impact on economic and social reconstruction in the home and departure territories

It also aims to “study the contribution of foreign migrants in the process of growth and development of their countries of origin and immigration areas; to assess and analyze the impact of the current international financial crisis on the situation of migrants from the South and especially to raise awareness of migration governance

Based on these objectives, says for his part Mr. Tarik Kasbaoui, president of the Research Laboratory in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (largess) of the Polydisciplinary Faculty of El Jadida (FPJ), participants were invited to bring their valuable research and experience in this scientific event, which took place in plenary sessions a day and a half.

Their successful communications focused on many aspects and themes based on certain lines of thought. The three main components related to the themes of the “International Human mobility and socio-economic and spatial recomposition”; “Migration and social economy: what impact on emigration territories? “; “New trends in migration: issues, challenges and opportunities,” says Kasbaoui

This conference took place in a context marked by international migration gives the countries of departure and destination more dynamism and economic efficiency. It is a major social phenomenon affecting all nations. This is a phenomenon that is not new in that man, by nature, surpasses the concept of territoriality.

 Migration is multifaceted and involves individuals, groups and communities. The reasons for migration are multiple, and, according to local or international situations (all forms of persecution, war, natural disasters, discovery, jobs …). As an old phenomenon, the different approaches thereto can be distinguished and differentiated according to the times, nature, reasons, purpose, etc.

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