In partnership with the CCME, the municipality of Midar in the Driouch province is set to host on 24 and 25 July 2015, its first Forum under the slogan “the countryside: Memory, Immigration and creativity.”
This forum, which is organized by Aghbal Association for Development and Solidarity in partnership with the “dialogue” Association of the Netherlands, aims to “revitalize the cultural life of the countryside, and the valuation of the local and national intangible cultural heritage and promote it, as well as spread the values of citizenship and pride of belonging, and to strengthen the ties of Moroccans abroad with their country of origin,” according to a paper of the forum.
The forum will revolve around three main topics. First: the countryside: memory and history; then the countryside in the creative conscience, and the third axis will be devoted to the issue of immigration through a number of interventions about memory and migration, and competencies of Morocco, the Moroccan presence in Europe and the contribution of the Moroccan community in scientific research, as well as the reality of the management of religious affairs in Europe.
To download the program, click here.