In France, the National Assembly is currently considering the bill on the rights of foreigners. Elected officials voted July 21 on the creation of a multi-year stay as, announces the AFP. Over a period of up to four years, it will be granted to foreigners who already received a residence permit for one year and have a job.

To qualify, the person must prove “his diligence and seriousness in the participation in training prescribed by the State as part of the integration contract”; a requirement that can be lifted in exceptional circumstances.

To be in France, non-EU foreigners must hold a residence permit or else be provided with a residence permit allowing them to remain in the territory for ten years.

But to get this right, the criteria are more restrictive. Because of an agreement between France and Morocco, Moroccans can obtain a residence permit after three years of legal residence, under cover of a temporary residence card in which is marked “employee”, instead of 5 under the common law.

The bill also introduces the “passport-talents”, intended for skilled foreign or special skills will replace several existing titles and is to allow an easier four-year passage for skilled migrants; people with particular talents – such as artists, scientists, athletes, and business leaders –will have the possibility to more easily live and work in France.

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