The European Council of Moroccan Ulema (CEOM) organized on 30 January 2018 in Paris with the alliance of the “Union of Mosques of France” (UMF), a training session for the imams of France, Paris. The meeting is inherent to the council’s actions to improve the knowledge of imams in the European context.

Mr. Abdellah Boussouf spoke about the Muslims in Europe, saying that they live in a distressing situation due to the misundertstanding of islam, on all levels. He  said that he was not event sure the situation could really change because of  the huge « stereotypes » in every level of the society. This is the reason why he  called the imams to help restore the trust between all the communities in Europe.

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In his speech, Mr Boussouf said  that in islam, the common values ​​are based on the Knowledge of the other and the peaceful living together,  explaining  that those values are intrinsic in the  Holy Qur’an. He urged the imams for a better understanding of the context in which the Moslems live, whether local or international.  

The training was provided by MM. Tahar Tajkani, President of CEOM, Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Mohammed Moussaoui, President of UMF and Said Chabar, President of the Board of Ouléma of Beni Mellal.




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