The Grand Mosque Mohammed VI of Saint-Étienne (France) hosts since Sunday 17 September 2017, a pictural exhibition on living together, in partnership with the Moroccan Jewish Museum of Casablanca.

The opening ceremony was attended by several officials, including the mayor of the city of Saint-Etienne, Gaël Perdriau, the President of the Jewish community of the city, Marc Timsit, the conservator of the Moroccan Judaism Museum, Ms Zhor Rehihil and the former president of the French Muslim Council (CFCM).

Dozens of  photographies  of  successfully living together between Jews and Muslims in Morocco for centuries, are exposed in the heart of the Saint Etienne Mosque. The mayor of Saint-Etienne said on the social networks how proud he was : in hosting this event, he said that if living together is a reality in Morocco; if possible here in Saint-Etienne, then this should be possible everywhere “.


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