New achievement for a student of Moroccan origin in the French Baccalaureate exams; Adeline Hakim, aged 17, a student at Jean Monnet high school in Cognac, got an overall “very good” distinction. But what is more praiseworthy is her mark in philosophy.

Very rare occurrence, Adeline obtained a perfect score: 20/20.

“This represents a small reward, after many years of work. The distinction, however, is just two words on a piece of paper, but it is a form of recognition anyway, “says Adeline.

If Philosophy is often challenging for students, Adeline on the contrary, was not “terrorized” by this subject. The family atmosphere seems to be behind that.

Indeed, the father of Adeline holds a Phd of philosophy of the Arab and Muslim world. He also teaches at the Jean Rostand, in Angoulême. As for the mother, Patricia, she is a manager at the college of Châteauneuf-sur-Charente.

Adeline, who chose Latin and the European section as options, intends to follow medical studies in Bordeaux. Her father deplores that she did not choose Arabic, the subject he teaches himself.

“It’s important to” clear “clichés. Who said that studying Arabic is studying religion!”

He also believes that his daughter passing the baccalaureate exams does not guarantee her future. “The hardest is yet to come,”

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