The French-Moroccan association « Les deux Rives » (Amiens-Picardy) organized recently an exhibition of the book “Moroccans, migrants and travelers” published by the Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) during the « Moroccan week » in the city of Amiens.
The exhibition which took place from March 13 to 19, 2017 was directed by Mr Youssef Hajji from the CCME (in charge of culture and identity) and turned around Workshops for youngsters, adults and refugees.
A convention was signed between the elected representatives of « Amiens Métropole » and the presidents of the Provincial Councils of Driouch and Nador.
On March 18, dignitaries from the Rif and the region of Picardy took part to the International Cooperation Fair organized in Amiens.