A  stele in remembrance of the Moroccan soldiers who fought during the Battle of the Marne in 1914, was inaugurated Saturday, September 16, 2017 in the municipality of Chauconin-Neufmontiers (Paris region). Several Moroccan and French dignitaries attended the commemoration.

This stele is a tribute to the Moroccan brigade which fought during the fist world war at the side of French troops during the battle of the Marne in September 1914.

Michel Bachmann, the mayor of Chauconin-Neufmontiers, hailed these Moroccan soldiers  who fought for the liberty of France and its values. 

For her part, Ms Nouria Zendafou, head of the association « Mode d’emploi », said  that the aim of this stele is to make aware the younger generations of the sacrifices made by these soldiers in the name of freedom.

Mr Jean-Francois Copé president of the municipality of  Meaux , recalled the sacrifices of men who came to combat for the freedom of France and to fight against oblivion. He stressed the importance  to sensitize the younger generations to the disaster of the First World War. Mr Copé, highlighted the quality of the relationship between Morocco and France which, he said, is a priceless advantage.

The Moroccan ambassador to France, Mr Chakib Benmoussa, said that the Moroccans are very sensitive to this tribute that celebrates the ties between the Kingdom and France. He reminded that these Moroccan soldiers had devoted themselves for the values ​​of dignity, freedom and solidarity. He paid tribute to the members of the Moroccan community who work to maintain this memory. He added  that Morocco and France share several common values, specifically those of living together which is the core of bilateral relationship.


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