The European Council of Moroccan Oulemas (CEOM) organized a meeting on 17 and 18 December 2016 in Frankfurt (Germany), in partnership with the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), a training session for Islamic institutions and imams.

In his opening speech,  Taher Tejkani CEOM President spoke about the importance of the Islamic institutions and the mosque, which had been the subject of numerous studies and researches. Mr Tejkani stressed the importance for Muslims to take in account  the European context by explaining the meaning of the Mosque,which is the house of God.  A place of peace and does not a danger to individuals,  societies or to systems and values.

For his part, Mr Khalid Hajji, Secretary General of CEOM, said that the goal of this training session is to inculcate the leaders of Islamic associations on the specificities of European realities and initiate debates with these leaders.

« The training session also aims,  to give the tools to the leaders of these associations and the Imams  to help the Muslims to preserve their religious relevance, to become full citizens  in the countries where they live and dialogue and communicate with the integral society » added Mr Hajji.

About 100 leaders of Islamic associations and Imams from Germany and other European countries attended this two day meeting which focal point was related on « Religious discourse and the challenges of the European context », « Muslims and keys of helping to dissipate  the fear of Islam »,  « Strategies in institutions: introductions of thinking and strategic analysis » and « Creative management within institutions: practical concepts and applications”.

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