In response to Pamela Geller’s Islamophobic campaigns displayed in transportation systems in several U.S. cities, Negin Farsad and Dean Obeidallah, two Muslim comedians have launched a poster campaign called «Fighting-Bigotry-with-Delightful-Posters-“. The posters in question are displayed in 140 New York subway stations.

It was launched and made possible with an online fundraising campaign. Within two days, they had the $20,000 they needed to launch the effort. And ever since, their posters began appearing in subway stations across New York.

The posters read messages such as: “Beware the Muslims are coming! And they shall strike with hugs so fierce you will end up calling your grandmother and telling her you love her.”

Others read “The ugly truth about Muslims: Muslims have great frittata recipes.”, “Fact about Muslims: They invented coffee, the toothbrush, and algebra.”

“People are much more open to something humorous,” Obeidallah said. “It’s a great way to reach people in a fun and accessible way. You feel good about yourself if you laugh or smile a little bit when you get off the subway. It appeals to the better angels in people.”

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