The Council of the Moroccan Community living Abroad (CCME) organized, Saturday, February 16, 2019 a round table on the “Globalization of Moroccan culture in the digital age”. The meeting was moderated by Mr Mohammed Moussaoui, CCME member and gathered MsFatna El Hamrit, Ms Mariame Tighanimine, Ms Sofia Kacim.
Mohammed Moussaoui introduced the different interventions and explained that several recent studies have shown that “the younger generations are more connected to their culture and” and intend to make it known “.
“The guests are a representative sample of the changes in Moroccan immigration, younger and emerged more feminine,” he said.
Ms Sofia Kacim, born in Sweden, said she has been invilved in politics since she was 19 by “encouraging women’s entrepreneurship”.
“I wanted to change the Swedish vision and image they have of Morocco”: every time I want to intervene in social networks or in the media, I say : « I am Moroccan because I see it as an asset, having different cultures “.
Her experience in politics did not succeed, reason why she took the decision 4 years ago to create a network on the internet to “encourage young people and especially women to express themselves ».
She added having sensed that women did not have a space where to share their cultures : « so I thought about creating a web based platform in more than 20 cities in the world ».
Ms Mariame Tighanimine, entrepreneur since 10 years and author of the book “different like everyone else”. She says ” being glad to see how the members of the Moroccan community in the world are at the origin of several productions”.
About her online magazine, she explains that she “wanted to give a voice to women from different backgrounds”.
“Being an immigrant in France and a woman, was difficult ” especially in terms of employment issues:” I saw a lot of women around me veiled and graduated but who could not find jobs, for discriminatory reasons, so I decided to create my own job and conceive my own company “.
“While traveling, I realized I was a humanist challenged by the big questions of this world”, said Mariame Tighanimine.
Answering to the question : » is the hijab compatible with feminist engagement? », she says that the number of women wearing the hijab is getting more important, they are committed in social life and their work will prove that the hijab can be compatible “with the societies where they live.
Ms Fatna El Hamrlt, left Morocco when she was 3 years old to settle with her family in Venice (Italy) said :”I have always felt deep inside me my love for my country and for my little town Skhirat”. A love and aconnection that the young blogger wanted to share with “the members of her community and all the other memebers of the Italian society”.
She creates an application called “the shukran” with 6 friends (3 Moroccans and 3 Italians) to make the Moroccan and Muslim culture better known in the world.”
“As young people, that our culture is global, explains Fatna El Hamrit.” We therefore highlight our history through the culinary art, architecture or landscapes “.
“I want to leave an symbol in a world our common world thanks to the internet. Our application invites all those who want to talk about their identity and interact with different cultures”.
The blogger proudly says « now we are in the top 10 applications in Morocco.”