The opening of the Moroccan-Canadian concerts “Ropes of Tolerance”, organized by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME) in partnership with the Canada Council for the Arts and the Association of « Friends of the Museum of  the Moroccan Judaism » , took place Monday, November 6, 2017 at the Mohammed V Theater in Rabat. This first concert celebrated the 42nd anniversary of the Green March.


His Majesty’s speech on the 42nd anniversary of the Green March was broadcasted live. Several political and diplomatic dignitaries,  including Mr. Omar Azziman, Councilor His Majesty King Mohammed VI and Mr. Serge Berdugo, Secretary General of the Council of Israelite Communities in Morocco attended this cultural event.

Mr. Serge Berdugo praised the CCME for this unique event which recognizes the living together that chracterizes Morocco and the coexistence of the spiritual components of the Kingdom.

Mr. Berdugo also paid tribute to the Kings of Morocco, defenders and advocators  of peace and stability, recalling the heroic protection of 250,000 Jews from Morocco of the king Mohammed V his Majesty’s grandfather,  from the French Vichy pro nazi, regime which occupied Morocco during the Second World War.

Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, Secretary General of the CCME, said how essential the Jewish tributary is,  in the composition of the Moroccan identity and on the the luminescence that brings the Jews of the Kingdom to the Moroccan culture in host countries, and recalled their role in Morocco’s History.

The secretary general said that Morocco will always be devoted to its multicultural identity and  remain the country of religious coexistence and living together. He added  that the Moroccan “personality” represents the wholeness of cultural diversity because ”  the Moroccan « personality » cannot be understood without its Jewish component and  nor can be the Moroccan “personality” understood without  its muslim dimension “.

This cultural event broght together the Moroccan artist Leila Gouchi who interpreted the epic “Nidae Al Hassan”, conducted by the Canadian chamber orchestra “Les Violons du Roy” and “The OKTOECHO ensemble”, under the direction of Katia Warren-Makdissi. 

A traditional Moroccan Jewish repertory, payed  tribute to the artists Salim Halali and Samy Elmaghribi. The evening was also enriched by the interpretation of Sufi songs with the assistance of the Moroccan artist Rachid Zeroual.

“The Ropes of Tolerance” will be in Casablanca on November, 7, 2017 at 19:30 at the Church of Notre-Dame de Lourdes and on November 8, 2017 at 17h at the Cultural Center the Stars of Sidi Moumen(Casablanca)


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