The global thinkers forum (GTF) will bring together policy makers from the region in conversation with civil society actors to discuss crucial gender equality priorities in the MENA region.
The event will feature: Internationally acclaimed Iranian filmmaker, actress, artist and writer Mania Akbari.
Egyptian journalist and former deputy head of Egyptian state-owned Nile TV, Shahira Amin,.
Souad Talsi, MBE founder of Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women’s Centre UK
The conversation will highlight priorities for implementation and a call for action to accelerate implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the region. The event will be structured like a moderated conversation among the panelists and will also include audience engagement and participation.
The discussion will center around the following key issues:
1) How to achieve gender equality in our lifetime what needs to change in the Arab region? What does this mean in terms of a work plan for the Arab region?
2) What are the political actions that need to be taken by political leaders to accelerate the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action?
3) How can civil society work together to make that happen and what support do they need from the global community to enable that vision to be fulfilled.
The event will take place in London on October 16, 2014 at 18:30 at Grace Belgravia. The event will receive support from UN Women.