The Council of the Moroccan community living abroad (CCME) gave a tribute during an evening organized, saturday 15 february 2020, to the attendees and some personalities which have impressed during the CCME’s programming of the 26 th edition of the Casablanca Book Fair.

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In a speech he gave, Mr El Hassan Abyaba, minister of culture, youth, sports, and government spokesman, welcomed the brilliant CCME participation du CCME’s at this edition of the Casablanca book fair .

For his part, Mr Abdellah Boussouf , secretary general of the CCME said he was rejoiced for the support from the ministry of culture and the strategic partnership between the two institutions for the rapprochement of the Moroccans living abroad with their culture of origin, their bond with their origins culture and the fastenings with their origins.

The secretary general awarded with a trophy Mr Simon Serfaty, professor of international relations in Virginia (United States). Mr Serfati said he was « pleased to receive this distinction and proud to be moroccan».


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