The National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco (BNRM) hosted, Tuesday, May 3, 2016, the presentation of the  “the Moroccan personality: dynamic of diversity” directed by professors from different backgrounds, with the support of the Council of the Moroccan Community abroad (CCME).

Containing 13 booklets,the educational “box” traces the career of 12 Moroccan personalities and talks about the diversity of the Moroccan personality,  tolerance and living together values ​​that characterizes the Moroccan history.
“The goal of this publication is to show the openness of the Moroccan personality by analyzing its complex and diverse composition, and highlighting examples of Moroccan personalities that have marked the history. Moroccan youth in the world need to know about this part of their history in the current global context and we will continue to explore the history in order to know other must-Moroccan personalities, “said Mr. Siraj (CCME).
For his part, Mr. Abdelmajid Kaddouri, university professor and contributor to the achievement of the cabinet, thanked the CCME for the interest in the question of identity and said that this book has been realized with the academic standards. He further said that this work was done in a sociological approach, starting with the individual to reach the group, taking the path of Moroccan historical personalities as tools to understand the diversity of the Moroccan identity.
“Even if it was matter of history in these books, it is important to clarify that the purpose was not historical research itself but to present a simplified historical material to readers of any class, especially the young ones, from immigrant families who are struggling to manage their identity, “he added.
This round table was attended by all those who collaborated on this work. They presented to the public the outline of the different dimensions that characterize the Moroccan personality.

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