Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI has sent a message of congratulations to Emmanuel Macron following his election as President of the French Republic.

In this message, the Sovereign expressed His warmest congratulations to the new French President and His sincere wishes for success in the high mission entrusted to him by the French people.

“Your election crowns your political career. It is also a tribute to your high human and intellectual qualities by the French people who, faithful to the noble values that underpin the identity of your country, have made the choice of progress, openness and confidence in the future”, HM the King underlined in His message.

The Sovereign recalled that Moroccan and French peoples, bound by a secular friendship based on mutual esteem and a set of human values, have, over the years, built a strong and multifaceted partnership marked by its sustainability and stability.

“It is a strategic choice that the two countries have constantly renewed and consolidated face to many political, human and socio-economic challenges for decades”, the Sovereign said.

HM the King also expressed his conviction that partnership between Morocco and France, under the presidency of Mr. Macron, “will be part of this momentum and will gain in depth and intensity”.

The Sovereign expressed His determination to work with the French President to develop the potential for economic cooperation between the two countries in order to consolidate the convergence of their views on various regional and international issues of common interest and to strengthen their action in favor of climate change and sustainable and human development for all.

“The French-Moroccan partnership will, as always, pursue the same ideals: peace, security, openness to the other and dialogue between cultures and civilizations”, the Sovereign stressed, welcoming the alliance between the two countries in the fight against terrorism and obscurantism.

HM the King also voiced His willingness to work with President Macron to “consolidate this exemplary cooperation so that we take up the multiple challenges in our Euro-Mediterranean space and the Sahel-Saharan region”.


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