Paris(Map) – HM King Mohammed VI gave his orders to the Moroccan diplomatic and consular services in France to take the necessary measures to facilitate access to Moroccan justice to Valérie Rhaba, whose husband was arrested on Oct.15 at the Casablanca airport while he was trying to board to join terrorist organization “ISIS” together with two daughters, aged 4 and 2.

A statement of Morocco’s embassy in Paris said the Moroccan consulate in Toulouse was contacted in the past days by Valérie Rhaba, spouse of Nabil Rhaba.

The woman also made an appeal to HM the King to help her recover the custody of her two daughters and provided documents proving her Muslim faith, French nationality and the vital need for one of her daughters to see a physician in France, the statement added.

Informed about this situation development and touched by the mother’s distress, HM King Mohammed VI gave his orders to the Moroccan diplomatic and consular services in France to take the necessary measures meant to facilitate the process of serving justice in Morocco to Valérie Rhaba and enable her to enjoy all her rights, said the statement, noting that the child custody decision comes exclusively under the Moroccan justice competence.

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