On the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, and out of our duty to the Moroccans living abroad and the necessity to reinforce the links between them and their motherland, Awacer TV, part of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), is launching a new and exclusive programme schedule for the year 2021.

This new programming is part of an exceptional situation caused by the pandemic of the coronavirus and the sanitary precautions adopted to face it. Circumstances that encourage us to fully consider Awacer TV’s role as a communication bridge with Moroccans around the world by proposing renewed contents that address their concerns and interests. A group of academics, intellectuals, academics and artists are participating in this rich programming…

The programming includes nine sequences, whereby Awacer TV aims to strengthen the ties of Moroccans living abroad to the identity, culture, traditions and heritage of their country of origin. It does so by responding to their spiritual, cultural and intellectual needs. it also invites them to discuss important issues of their concerns, by taking into consideration the various aspects of Moroccan heritage and identity, thereby raising their awareness of the changes affecting the migration and affairs of Moroccans around the world.

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