The first spring session of social sciences organized by the faculty of Humanities of the University Al Akhawayn and the faculty of Letters and Humanities of the University Mohamed V of Rabat opened on Friday, April 9, 2021, in partnership with the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME).

During the opening session chaired by Mr. Al -Atri, the Secretary General of the CCME, Mr. Abdellah Boussouf, stressed that the Council’s presence at this meeting reflects its interest in scientific research in the social sciences, given its key role in the development of public policies based on the changing Moroccan community.

Mr Boussouf said “it is not possible to develop an effective public policy without having understood the evolution of migration through sociological field studies”, affirming that the CCME has, since its establishment, worked to provide scientific knowledge made available to scholars in its publications.

In addition, the Secretary General of CCME pointed out that the 2011 Constitution has given a particular importance to Moroccans living abroad and has set the standard high by dedicating four articles to fulfill their expectations.

This session was also attended by the Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Driss Ouaouicha, who said that his ministry places the issue of investment in the social sciences as a priority. He called for this meeting to become an international forum dedicated to the social sciences.

The speech of the President of Mohammed V University in Rabat – given by the Acting Vice-President- expressed the ambition of his institution to give an international dimension to this forum in order to position it among Moroccans living abroad interested in sociology and to be able to exchange experiences.

The President of Al Akhawayn University, Mr. Amine Bensaid, discussed the central role of social sciences in the establishment of public policies and in the guiding of researchers in other sciences.

Mr. Bensaid also explained that his university’s plan is to make Ifrane a university city that puts citizens at the heart of its development, which places the social sciences at the leading position of this vision.

For his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Humanities stressed the need to develop public policies incorporated into scientific research, an approach that is embodied by the Spring of Social Sciences. a promising scientific project to develop our approaches and perspectives in order to confront the challenges of the future.

For his part, Mr. Abdelkrim Marzouk, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Al Akhawayn University, stressed in his speech that this forum aims not only to present reports or exchange views, but mainly to provide a perspective that can produce new research projects to strengthen the humanities’ presence in achieving development.

Two agreements of partnership were signed. The first one was signed by the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad and Al Akhawayn University for the foundation of the Ibn Khaldun Centre for Migration at the University, while the second agreement was signed by the CCME, Al Akhawayn University and the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Mohammed V University in Rabat, with the purpose of making the Springtime of the Social Sciences an annual event.

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