The INSEE survey indicates an increase in the immigrant population from 2009 to 2012, mainly due to the arrival of Europeans.
Their share represents almost half of the immigrants who entered France in 2012. They were a third 10 years ago. This immigration is predominantly Portuguese, British, Spanish, Italian or German. It’s due to the economic consequences of the crisis that has affected some of these countries. Another important development is to be mentioned, women are now the majority in the immigrant population.
The main features of immigration in France
5.8 million Immigrants lived in France in early 2013, amounting to 8.8% of the population. This figure is slightly higher than at the beginning of the decade. In 2004, immigrants accounted for 8% of the population. Between 2004 and 2012, on average, 200,000 people arrived. 50,000 died and 60,000 have left the country. In 2012, 46% are from Europe, 30% from Africa, 14% in Asia and 10% from America and Oceania.
Immigration increasingly European
Due to freedom of movement and the economic crisis in many European countries in 2012, nearly one in two immigrants was born in a European country. Between 2009 and 2012, the number of Europeans entries increased by 12% per year on average. More than half of the increase comes from three countries that have already experienced in the past major waves of immigration in France, namely; Portugal, Spain and Italy. The age of these people is a bit higher than in other continents.
A slight increase in the number of African immigrants
Also between 2009 and 2012, the number of immigrants from Africa increased slightly (+ 1% on average). This increase come from Moroccan and Tunisian inputs (+ 2.4% and + 2.9% per year). Arrivals from Algeria have decreased.
Now a predominantly female immigration
Eschewing the men’s immigration of the 70s and family reunification in the 80’s, the current immigration is characterized by a constant feminization.
Women are now the majority in the immigrant population. Their share is 54% of the total and this fact is shared by all the continents. 51% of European immigrants, 54% of African immigrants, 59% of Asian immigrants and 56% of American and Oceanian immigrants are women. This is a silent revolution far from the caricature of immigrants.
Newcomers are more graduates
63% of immigrants who arrived in France in 2012 hold at least a diploma equivalent to the baccalaureate. Only a quarter do not have degrees. The least qualified are the Portuguese and Turks. Conversely, one in 2 immigrants from the United States, China, Spain, Italy and Russia has an advanced degree.
France maintains a high level of naturalization
In mid-January, the Minister of Interior issued a statement on immigration figures stressing that the terrorist attacks that France had suffered had nothing to do with immigration.
In 2014, France granted 179,279 shares of long stay, an increase of 7.3% compared to 2013. The level of adjustment is 31 265. As for naturalization, 77,000 foreigners acquired French nationality, 10.9% more than in 2013.
Finally asylum applications have slightly declined: 64,000 requests in 2014 against 66,000 the previous year.