More than 85.53% of 27,449 applications for the regularization of migrants living in Morocco have been accepted, said Thursday, September 22, 2016, in New York, Mr Driss El Yazami, the chairman of the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH) and Head of civil society in the pole of the COP22. 

Speaking at a meeting on “The use of data for understanding the migration”, held alongside the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), Mr. El Yazami said that the regularizations concerned mainly Syrian, Senegalese, Congolese and Ivorian migrants.

In a press statement, Mr El Yazami said that « the special regularization program is an important source of information, calling to develop and deepen the work done so far » adding “it is impossible to have a migration policy without the evolution of knowledge in terms of metadata and statistics, but also qualitative analysis through Sociological and Anthropological works on migration «.

“We belong to the few countries in the Mediterranean and African countries, whith several research teams” said the president of the National Human’s Rights Council, calling to evolve a “national agenda” of research “on the Moroccan community abroad and the foreign communities living in Morocco ». 

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