Rabat ( Map) – Indonesia formally appointed Mr. Hassan Berkani as honorary consul of the Republic of Indonesia in Casablanca.

Berkani was a prominent businessman in Morocco in the field of construction, real estate, agriculture, transportation and restaurants.

 He is also the President of the Chamber of commerce, industry and services of Casablanca, a Counsel of the Parliament, and Vice-Chairman of the Federation of chambers of commerce, industry and services of Morocco.

The appointment of Hassan Berkani as Honorary Consul of the republic of Indonesia in Casablanca is expected to encourage intensive cooperation between Indonesia and Morocco, especially in the field of economy.

Based on the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia, the total volume of trade between Indonesia and Morocco on January-July 2014 stood at USD 132.5 million, an increase of 6.8 percent from the same period in 2013.

Meanwhile, the total volume of trade between Indonesia and Morocco during the year 2013 stood at USD 186.8 million.

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