The Ministry of Moroccans abroad and Migration affairs, the United Nations Programme for Development (UNDP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched on Tuesday, October 4 at Rabat, the program “Integrating migration into national development strategies.”
“This pilot project is divided into two major components, namely the part of Moroccans living abroad and the Foreigners living in Morocco, which are the subject of two national strategies being finalized,” said the Minister Moroccans living abroad and migration affairs, Mr. Anis Birou.
In his speech, the Minister stressed the importance of immigration in the development process of the country, “Migration generates capital of all kinds, at human, social, financial and cultural levels thus contributing to the development of countries of origin and destination of migrants.”
He further revealed that «The program intends to establish a committee of Migration and Development in order to complete the integration of migration into national development strategies”.
Funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation of the Swiss Confederation (DDC), the program will run for four years and aims to incorporate the correlation migration and development in their national strategies on one hand, and create mechanisms for consultation and coordination in sustainable governments and with stakeholders from civil society on the other.