Irregular arrivals of migrants in Europe from Morocco increased slightly in 2014. More than 6,000 migrants have entered illegally in the EU via certain migratory routes of the Western Mediterranean (Morocco and Algeria), according to Frontex.

The European organization for security and external borders, Frontex, published figures of illegal immigration in Europe for the year 2014. According to its data, the number of illegal immigrants in the EU has almost tripled in 2014 from 100 000 in 2013 to 274 000 in 2014, an increase of 180%. The first migration route remains the sea. Over 170,000 irregular migrants arrived in Italy and more than 50 000 in Greece.

Among the areas that welcome migrants prior to their arrival in Europe, the Mediterranean is listed as the first provider. Thus, Libya and Egypt are still important starting points of candidates for illegal immigration to the EU. As for Morocco, the crossovers from the kingdom doubled in the third quarter of 2014 compared to the same period in 2013.

More than 6,000 migrants have entered illegally in the EU via migratory routes of some Western Mediterranean including through Morocco and Algeria. In this region, which consists of several areas of the southern coast of Spain and the land borders of Ceuta and Melilla, 3000 entries were reported in just the third quarter of 2014.

Large flows between July and September 2014

But the most important flows often happen during the third quarter due in part to more favorable conditions. Thus, between July and September, significant migration flows have been recorded, being the strongest movements since July 2011. This is compounded by conflict or violence in some countries: Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, Cameroon , Nigeria, Chad, Central African Republic.

During the same period, the number of migrants stranded in Morocco has also increased due to various measures taken by Spain and Morocco in the borders of Ceuta and Melilla. Most of the reported movements took place during week 33 (11-17 August 2014). Indeed, in August 11 and 12, an unexpected increase in arrivals was reported in the operational area of ​​Algeciras.

Research services and Spanish Maritime Rescue service (SASEMAR) intercepted during that time a considerable number of boats and rescued more than 1,200 migrants who were transported to the port of Tarifa.

On irregular stays in Europe, people from Morocco come in third place behind the Syrians and Eritreans. Thus, 18,849 people from Morocco have resided illegally in the EU during the first three quarters of 2014.

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